Saturday, July 14, 2012

I like doing environment work but I'm not very good at it, started a tileable scifi-ish wall piece and didn't like how it was going so I stopped before it got worse, thought I'd post it as an update.
Absolutely no textures, not even finished.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Some more weapon work.

Came out to 1236 triangles, I've been trying to make my stuff higher polycount but I'm really struggling at it. I probably could have added in the grip as actual polys instead of using clever amounts of maps.

2048x2048 map, I just felt like working high res. Looks basically the same at 1024x1024 and a slight loss at 512x512.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I really haven't had anything to post, I've been just practicing and procrastinating.

Made this in a few hours, thought I'd update my blog. I feel like I've made decent progress since my first post.

3126 triangles, 1024x512 map.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Worked on a high-poly sculpt of the lower mouth just to get a better feel for that region, I think it went "OK", also messed around with polypainting a little.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One of my sculpts from my "300 sculpts of summer", I'm actually happy with this one, it's the first thing that looks sort of close to what it was supposed to look like

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Now that I'm doing studying, I can go back to 3D art.

Started working on a tileset yesterday for a low-poly dungeon, this may actually go into an android game. The archway is bad, it baked wrong and I need to fix it. 344 triangles atm, using a 2048x2048 map, but I'll scale it down later, I prefer working at a higher resolution.

My organic skills are terrible, I decided to do 300 sculpts over the summer, which is 3-4 a day. All organic things from reference, let's see how that goes.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Working on a big project, made this as a small intermission just to test rendering and some other stuff. Going to take a 1-2 day break then continue on my project.